Corporate Wellness

With so many companies actively embracing a corporate wellness initiative,

the solutions we offer are timely, appropriate and effective.

ai??? Improve Employee Productivity
ai???…Reduce Absenteeism
ai???…Minimize Stress
ai???…Boost Morale

Healthy Employees =… Happy Employees

Healthy Employees = Healthy Bottom Line

Average Yields Range From $3 to as much as $6 For Every Dollar Invested*

…There is a new practice in the world of medicine.

…It all begins with a focus on wellness…not sickness.

Many employers are opting to re-allocate resources, shifting the sole focus from treatment to prevention…
…with positive results.

Some conditions are early warnings of much more serious health issues to come…
…Many of which could be prevented! … ……

The ISMD wellness approach focuses on preventive measures in key areas known to be major contributing factors such as…

ai??? Obesity
ai???…Vitamin Deficiencies
ai???…Hormone Balance